Robotics Academy | Volos

Educational Robotics integrates all fields of STEM (Science, Technology Engineering, Mathematic), while its educational activities have an interdisciplinary character with children coming into contact with many different sciences.
The comprehensive study guide of the Robotics Academy of the University of Macedonia, creates for another year the appropriate pedagogical environment for the development of "21st Century Skills".
Knowledge, social skills and imagination are cultivated in a creative, healthy and playful way.
Our students have the opportunity to participate in the annual internal Robotics Competition of the network, but also to take part in the certification exams, the only ones conducted by a Higher Institution in Greece.
The Prebotics educational program for children aged 4 and 5 aims to introduce the early concepts of robotics and programming, making use of storytelling. Children develop their constructive skills, critical thinking, perception and collaboration, while at the same time coming into contact with the world of programming, engineering and technology.

The Junior category is suitable for ages from A Primary to C Primary.
Junior Robotics
A first contact is made with the world of Robotics and STEM. Students will build simple and varied robotic machines. Thus, they will develop construction skills and acquire basic concepts from the world of science and programming.
Junior Mechanics
Creation and research of mechanical models. Children will become more familiar with the building blocks. They will study the efficiency of the lever, the pulley and will experiment with the gears. Through experiential activities they will enrich their vocabulary with terms of engineering and physics. Also, children will come in contact with new ways of programming and using tablets.
Junior Coding
Introduction to the Scratch programming environment. Students will delve deeper into programming by learning new concepts. They will practice their algorithmic thinking and apply mathematical operations. Their constructions will now have a more complete form, approaching in functionality real robotic and mechanical constructions that they encounter in their daily life.
Junior League
Students who have completed the previous 3 cycles can choose to form a group. This program aims to prepare teams for local, national or international competitions.
The Robot category is suitable for ages from C Primary to A Lyceum.
Robot Beginner
The Robot Beginner training program is an introduction to educational robotics. During the programs, we get acquainted with the educational package that we will deal with for the next cycles. It is considered the most basic course, as the student gets all the basic supplies he needs to continue. Introduction to programming, familiarization with the programming environment and learning the basic programming structures.
Robot Intermediate
Students at this level will develop what they have learned in the beginner circle and should make the robot more intelligent. They will deepen their understanding and practice in advanced robotics and programming concepts.
Robot Mechanics
Constructions and lesson scenarios will emphasize engineering. Students will create robotic constructions with more possibilities. Engine power, speed and balance of structures will be mechanically optimized. Children will become more familiar with the building blocks.
Robot Coding
Focus on better understanding and developing programming skills. Children will enrich their knowledge in programming by learning concepts such as algorithm, variables, parallel programming, etc. The new methods, the algorithms, as well as the way of thinking that the students will acquire after the end of this cycle are necessary supplies for the next cycles.
Robot Advanced
In this course, students are more independent and able to solve complex problems by working as a team. They will try to solve robotic scenarios of various kinds, synthesizing the knowledge they have gained from previous courses, both in how to build proper mechanical constructions and in solving complex programming problems.
Robot Expert
Children who have attended the previous five cycles are considered experts in the field of educational robotics. In this cycle they go one step further in the programming part. Robots will no longer be programmed with visual programming language. Children will learn to program robots by writing real code for the first time.
Robot League
Students are now considered experts. They have learned to work as a team, they have gained a lot of experience in construction, they have learned to solve problems and to plan at a very high level. Even more important for this category is that in the previous cycles they will have made many mistakes and will have learned from them. This program aims to involve teams in local, national or international competitions. |
The Professional category is suitable for ages from B Lyceum to C Lyceum.
Professional Robots Level 1
The children will get acquainted with the new educational tool with which they will work in the next cycles and will receive a different philosophy in relation to engineering. Constructions will be more difficult and larger, to help children acquire construction skills of various kinds and closer to real robotic models of industry or everyday life.
Professional Programming Level 1
In this cycle, emphasis is placed on programming and the smooth transition to a different programming environment is attempted. The use of the visual programming language so far is being replaced by a procedural programming language that can be used for professional use in the future.
Professional Robots Level 2
Students will learn to design and build their own robotic constructions to solve the original scenarios given to them. The design of their constructions will be done after a careful study of the parameters that the respective scenario will have and should be as simple as possible. The aim of the circle is for the children to be able to structure any construction by dividing the problem they face into smaller parts.
Professional Programming Level 2
In this cycle, once the children have thoroughly understood and practiced programming, a step further will be taken. For the first time, they will come into contact with operating systems and networks, knowing in this way, important technologies. They will also develop and enhance their programming skills using a higher level programming language. An introduction will be made to the concepts of object-orientation, heredity, diversity, etc. Finally, we will learn how to use a library in programming and how it serves us.
Professional Football
The football category is an endless category. The planning, philosophy, techniques and methods that students will apply always have room for improvement. This category aims to simulate the football that we humans play. In this game there are 2 opposing teams consisting of 2 robots. As in normal football, there is never a perfect. The winner will be judged on the details and strategy that both teams will follow. |

Arduino is an original open platform based on hardware (open source motherboard) and software, specially designed for easy use. Arduino boards are capable of reading various inputs and sensors and processing them through a set of commands on the board's microprocessor.
The Arduino is a very important tool in the field of technology and programming, which is why the Robotics Academy of the University of Macedonia offers the courses "Automation and Robotics (Arduino)" to beginners and advanced learners.
The courses deal with the following sections:
• Principles of Electronics and Electronic Systems
• Use Arduino and Raspberry
• Knowledge of sensors
• Knowledge of engines
• C Programming and Proccessing
• Bluetooth and Wifi connections
• Construction of simple and complex automations
• Modeling of automation from everyday life